Impeachment with False Flag Looming
Boggles the mind that in order to proceed with impeachment you would think there would be high crimes and misdemeanors along with supportive facts and evidence in that stack of papers these treasonous idiots slow walked across to the Senate. Well not in the case of the Schiff-Nadler-Pelosi charade. Rest assured, President Trump will not be impeached in the Senate and will not be removed from office. Quite the contrary. Trumps’ poll numbers will continue to rise. Stadiums across the nation will be filled at the rallies. And we shall see an historical landslide in both the electoral college and the popular vote come November 2020. Get your evangelical friends and couch potato Republicans to vote Trump!
Team Trump Ready To Rumble
I’m not a fan of John Bolton. And yes, the do nothing Dems will bring on some “witnesses” and we all know where this is heading. A noisy, disruptive freak show. No facts. No evidence that will prove any impeachable offenses. But look at what is in store for them.
Alan Dershowitz, a life long liberal Democrat who voted for Hillary and has been and will be a part of team Trump in the Senate hearings. Also on team Trump we have Jay Sekulow, Pat Cipllone, Ken Starr, Robert Ray, Pam Bondi, Jane Raskin, and Eric Herschmann. Bio briefs can be found here.
We have facts and evidence and truth. They have nothing. This could get very interesting if we get to see “Where’s Hunter”, “Sleepy Joe”, “Shifty Schiff”, “Nervous Nancy” and others on the witness stand under oath. Get the popcorn
Virginia’s False Flag
Blackface Northam is causing quite the disruption. There is one detail, the law is not on his side. Let’s see what the Supreme Court does with this. But as the pattern runs, this has been orchestrated to occur just as the fake impeachment hits the Senate and has all the hallmarks of a coming False Flag. Yes we know they want to take away the guns. Be prepared for Soros’ money to be hard at work. There will be plants in the crowds to incite violence. We may very well see ANTIFA rear (hide), it’s ugly face. They are trying to get the good guys, us, to make a mistake amidst the violence that they will create. These are the ingredients of a False Flag, Problem-Reaction-Solution. “They” create the problem, anticipate the reaction, blame it on someone else and then deliver the “solution”. Take away the guns! Not going to happen. Be smart. Be vigilant. Be safe. Furthermore as in all false flags, this will be yet another diversionary distraction, clogging up the global news cycle taking attention away from the truth in the Senate hearings as the Dems. and Deep State are exposed. Virginia. Is this Charlottesville all over again? Textbook. Let’s hope not.
Yes 2020 is here beginning with President Trump seizing control step by step against the Deep State’s sites in the Middle East with the killing of terrorist Soleimani and now the Impeachment in the Senate and the FF in Virginia. We have a long way to go my friends until election day USA. Buckle down. Stay the course. Trust the plan and pray for our President and his family.
Clarion Call
This battle will rage on for the rest of our lives. Pray for our President and his family. No Trump-no hope. What we do right here, right now is for posterity. So when your children and grandchildren ask you “What were you doing when the global governance was being thrust down the throat of America and the world, what will your answer be? Freedom, it’s up to U.S.
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