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Election 2020 Outcome - What’s next?

Please be sure to watch Part I “Free and Fair Elections – The Hammer Is the Key to The Coup” and Part II – “Trump and the Election Sting Operation , The Fat Lady Is Not Yet Singing”. Follow our daily live news broadcast at American Media Periscope dot net.


And now we conclude this three part election crisis series with, “Election 2020 Outcome – What’s Next”.

Think of a storage unit. The deep state, Democrats and the fake news media once had a stock pile of ammunition if you will. Stormy Daniels. Tax returns. The Mueller with hunt. Quid Pro Quo and Ukraine. The impeachment. Covid-19, George Floyd and now voter fraud and election theft. Only thing is... their storage unit of ammunition has dwindled away.

Contrast this with another storage unit - but this one is a gigantic warehouse and it is stocked from top to bottom with ammunition. This warehouse belongs to the patriots of this country and in the trusting hands and direction of President Trump and team.

The deep state has expended its ammunition. We on the other hand are just opening our warehouse doors. We have all the goods, on everyone. Make no mistake about this. What is about to be unleashed upon the enemies of freedom will shake the rafters of the world. It is the eleventh hour. The hunters have become the hunted and the hunted will soon, very, very, soon, be captured.


With regards to the voter fraud and election theft that is underway, we covered in previous reports the dozens of methods of which laws have been violated, who did it, and exactly how it was done. But beyond the perhaps hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes that were counted, the greatest theft may have taken place in the digital world.

One of the companies contracted to tally the votes, includes the Canada-based Dominion Voting Systems in Austin Texas. As reported by investigative journalist and author, Susan Bradford, we have come to learn this.

Dominion and Hart Intercivic have admittedly used computer chips from Communist China, that could have allowed foreign interests to backdoor their way in to the election to manipulate results. The Clinton Administration played a key role in transferring U.S. technology and industry to Communist China in the first place while also facilitating China's entry into the World Trade Organization with a view to elevating America's greatest rival to leader of the new world order and global marketplace.


Unsurprisingly, Dominion Voting Systems reportedly donated between $25,000 and $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation in 2014 and 2015 to support the DELIAN Project, which is committed to the UN's sustainable development agenda – or the Green New Deal, which the Biden-Harris campaign has championed. Dominion is enmeshed within a network of global power brokers. Follow Susan Bradford and the rest of our broadcasts daily on American Media

The election of 2020 has been rigged every which way from Sunday as have elections that have come before. The massive mail in ballots was an extra insurance policy in addition to everything else, to ensure the successful theft, ushering in a Biden victory. Biden victory? Says who. The main stream fake news media?

Election outcomes are not determined by the media but rather by the legal, valid vote count. To date, not one state has been certified. The bottom line is, our votes have been stolen and they, those who have committed these serious crimes, have been caught. They know they have been caught. We know they have been caught. And they know that we know they have been caught. The battles rage on. Information warfare – an intelligence war. The evidence is now being presented in the courts and may soon reach the Supreme Court. The election for Donald Trump will be secured. And as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated at a press conference just the other day

“There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration. We are ready. The world is watching what is taking place. We are going to count all the votes, when the process is complete there will be electors selected. There’s a process, the Constitution lays it out pretty clearly. The world should have every confidence that the transition necessary to make sure that the state department is functional today, successful today, and successful when the President, who’s in office on January 20th, a minute after noon, will also be successful.”

So what’s next en-route to election victory?

Censorship and de-platforming is escalating on a daily basis. The likelihood of the President’s Twitter account being suspended or shutdown is increasing. False flags of sorts may be on the horizon. This shutdown and blackout, will leave the fake news media and big tech, to control the false narrative. Keep your cellphone on for any pings from the President.

They will tell the American people that President Trump will not concede and has stolen the election. Will they then usher in Nancy Pelosi as interim commander in chief if the election dispute is not resolved by the official deadline? Will they then attempt to physically remove what they will say is a “defiant Trump” from the White House? Yes, it may come to this. They will lose. But know this…

We are at war. Their warehouse is empty. The swamp has been caught. It is the eleventh hour. For them it is not just the loss of an election, it is prison, GITMO and executions for their crimes, treasonous acts, and crimes against humanity. We have the evidence. This election is not over. You keep that in mind. When times get tough for you, when the darkness seems to dominate, you keep that in mind. This election is not yet over. The rule of law. The US Constitution and God are on our side. We got this my friends, we got this.

Someone said to the President – You Can’t handle the storm. The President replied, “Who are you kidding - I am the storm!”

Yes, the storm is upon us. If this were a category 5 hurricane, we are only experiencing the outer bands. Once President Trump is the victor in the election of 2020, we can expect riots, death and destruction to be unleashed across this country. Civil unrest, and a dangerous, destructive violent revolution. This disruption may create shortages of sorts once again on the retail shelves across the country as the trucks may have a difficult time making their way down the highways for a brief period of time. Be prepared through this transition as we move from dark to light. Be prepare spiritually, emotionally and financially. Food, water, personal protection and gold as a hedge against economic hits of sorts.

And in closing…

“Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. “

We are in a serious battle. In the heat of the battle it is hard to see the bigger picture. Know this, we are winning, and this is what winning looks like. Victory is ours.

Stay the course. Trust the plan, heed the call, and remember – WWG1WGA

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