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Cast of Candidates

The following is my brief analysis and commentary (void of any political correctness) regarding the cast of candidates and the options presently before the American people.The following are running for the Presidency of these “un” United States. Assuming Clinton is still eligible to run based on the pending FBI investigation and assuming the RNC does not steal the nomination from Donald Trump, here are the candidates (excluding Libertarians) based on the date of this writing.

Cast of Candidates

Kasich should not even be in the race at this point, as the math does not lie. He is there simply to assist in hurting Trump with the hopes of an appointment by the RNC should they not nominate Trump.

Cruz is a liability as his eligibility can and will be challenged in the courts and public opinion should he get the nomination. Furthermore, if one does the homework on both Ted and Heidi Cruz, you will come to learn that he first off is a lawyer and politician (been there done that) and is very much an insider bought and paid for with a very questionable background as to his integrity. He is another politician with some nasty friends in politics (such as Bush and Ryan for example) and he will serve the NWO agenda.

Clinton? How can anyone vote for someone who may be indicted for such serious charges? White house or jailhouse? Her record as Secretary of State is horrendous. She is 100% a NWO globalist and will drive the last nail in the coffin of our once great constitutional republic.

And Bernie Sanders? My God, just do your due diligence on his background and lack of accomplishments in life. Plain and simple he will bring socialism to America and socialism’s end goal is communism. You can’t sell that “Democratic Socialism” campaign to me.

Donald Trump is not a politician and is not a lawyer. He is the only anti-establishment candidate who is taking on the ruling elites grip on America and the world head on. Check out my previous post “Why I Support Donald J. Trump”.


So we have a criminal, a communist, a Canadian cheating, lying-lawyer-politician and a bombastic billionaire from New York Donald J. Trump. To help us choose wisely, it really comes to down to these fundamental questions we all need to answer. Do we want to restore our once prosperous, capitalist safe America via a constitutional republic or do we wish to descend into third world country status and succumb to global governance and the NWO? Which candidate will keep America safe? Do your homework. Which of the candidates will serve what you desire for America now and moving forward? Choose wisely America for this is it.

Forget politics and parties. We will rebuild or we will perish. The choice is yours. This election cycle should it come to be, is a vote for our posterity. Our strength is in our unity. Choose wisely America. Freedom it’s up to US. Subscribe and receive your free digital pdf copy of my latest book  “Misconceptions and Course Corrections-A Collection of Critical Essays For Our Times”.

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