It is beyond the eleventh hour as the clock is ticking no Trump no hope. The consequences of a no Trump presidency are catastrophic not only for America but for the human race. Go ahead and laugh at me, I really don’t care. The future one way or the other will prove me right. This is America’s last stand. The following was written by Richard Davis, MD, and is an excerpt of the forward for the book “What One Man Can Do” authored by John Michael Chambers.
Clock Is Ticking No Trump No Hope
Both John and I hope that you will carefully consider Donald Trump to represent you as your President. Alternatively, I can categorically state with every ounce of conviction in my body, if Hillary Clinton is elected, we face the certainty of her continued push of the “Progressive Agenda” dissolving America into a socialist, totalitarian, police state where the American Dream becomes the American Nightmare as we are ultimately merged into a Globalist one-world government led by an unelected cabal of psychopaths, hell-bent on our destruction. Make no mistake. This is the vision that Hillary Clinton has had for this nation ever since her radical days began at Wellesley College, where she wrote her senior thesis under the tutelage of Prof. Alan Schechter entitled, “There Is Only the Fight…”: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model’. Saul Alinsky was one of the major influences in Hillary’s life who wrote Rules for Radicals, basically a primer on how to bring down America. And she’s been working diligently toward that objective ever since.
What One Man Can Do
This masterful book crystallizes these diverse elements and consolidates them into a central theme that does far more than simply highlight Mr. Trump’s numerous achievements. It additionally directs the reader’s attention to the greatness and personal courage of Donald Trump the man – the patriot, as he breaks every rule of modern politics – winning one landslide victory after another against all of the odds stacked against him. This book documents how Donald Trump has singlehandedly deconstructed the Republican Party machinery and exposed the corruption, fraud and manipulation of the political process unlike anyone ever before in American history.
Free Book

Subscribe here and I will send you a complimentary copy of my 2015 book “Misconceptions and Course Corrections – A Collection of Critical Essays for Our Times”. This eye opening book may be a great tool to pass along to others in the effort to shift the pendulum from division to unity against the real merchants of chaos. And on a more direct political note, pick up your copy of my latest Donald Trump book, “What One Man Can Do”, 10% of all book sales go to the Trump campaign. Learn more.