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FBI New Phase Of Clinton Probe

FBI New Phase Of Clinton Probe

I had the opportunity to introduce Judge Andrew Napolitano at a Save America conference I helped to organize some years ago in Tampa, Florida. The judge in his New York-New Jersey fashion was very entertaining and great to talk with. And now today FBI New Phase Of Clinton Probe. The Judge understands US Constitutional law and had this to say recently on an interview with Fox News.

Clinton Violates Oath – Facing Federal Charges

The judge indicated that on Hillary’s first day in office she was required to sit through a two hour FBI tutorial where under oath she was required to keep secret and safeguard secrets. The very next day she hired Brian Pagliano to migrate the e-mails from one server to another. There was 2,093 e-mail chains that contained classified information with over 20 highly classified e-mails that even the FBI agents investigating the case had lack of security clearance to exam Clinton.

Federal Prosecutors Begin New Phase Of Clinton Probe

There are over 147 FBI agents that have been working on this for over a year now and have a mountain of evidence to put to the test and have now begun to question Hillary’s aids. According to Judge Napolitano there are two phases. The first phase is where the FBI interviews people who are or may be potential targets and the second phase where people with exceptional knowledge of the case who have not as of yet provided any information to the FBI are interviewed.

Democrats To Nominate Potential Convicted Felon

The Democrats need to know now if they will be nominating a Presidential candidate who is presently a criminal defendant in a felony prosecution case. The Judge says that the month of May 2016 will be pivotal and revealing as to how this will play out for Hillary and the Democrats. And so I ask, White house or jailhouse? Time will tell. Crazy and dangerous times here in America and for the world. You can watch the interview with the Judge by clicking here.

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