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Happy July 4th 1776 All Over Again

At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, when queried as he left Independence Hall on the final day of deliberation he was asked…So what do we have a Republic or a Monarchy – “It’s a Republic if you can keep it” – Benjamin Franklin. Happy July 4th 1776 all over again. It  looks like we are fighting for our independence once again but this time not from the tyranny of Great Britain but rather from the tyrannical tentacles of the ruling elites New World Order.

Happy July 4th 1776 All Over Again

Looks like we lost it and this election will determine if we can restore it or will the last nail be driven in the coffin as America is swallowed up by the ruling elite’s New World Order plan for a one world government, a one world military, a one world currency and a one world justice system granting them complete control over our lives as they plow forward towards population reduction from 7.2 billion to 600 million. Happy July 4th it’s 1776 all over again. I hope this video inspires hope and action for a better life and a better world.

By The Grace Of God

The following is taken from my book titled “What One Man Can Do”.

We can once again be the hope, promise and a beacon of light on the shinning hill for all of the world. There is a lot of work to be done. It will not be fast. It will not be easy, and the desired outcome is not guaranteed. But never underestimate what one man can do. Donald Trump has awakened and inspired a nation and people all over the world. The power of this awakening can never be quantified. In this, there is hope and promise for a better tomorrow.

Donald J. Trump may have the nomination and or election to the Presidency stolen from him. And make no mistake about this, Donald Trump is in serious danger. Based on what I know, and what I see before me, and based upon history, the realist in me says the election of Donald Trump to the White House and his ability to serve out his term is highly unlikely. They will do everything in their power to prevent this. The last resort by the psychopaths that are ruling the world would be to have him assassinated via one false flag or another. Be it via mind control through some “angry individual”, a heart attack (via a laser from the sky), drowning in the bathtub, car or plane accident, the list is endless. Or to perhaps trigger an event to invoke Martial Law thus suspending the election process all together sure seems to me like ML is a possibility. We have seen this before.

In this one man’s opinion, Donald Trump (if the electoral process is legitimate), wins the election and wins the Presidency (and perhaps by a landslide) and he begins to lead us in “Making America Great Again.” However, this, in my opinion will not happen without the guiding, protecting hand and light of God. Have mercy on us and protect Donald J. Trump and this once great nation and bring us back into the light of God that never fails and restore this America setting us back on track for a better life and a better world. The hour is at hand.

Oh yeah…Happy 4th of July!

Free Book

Subscribe here and I will send you a complimentary copy of my 2015 bookMisconceptions and Course Corrections – A Collection of Critical Essays for Our Times”. This eye opening book may be a great tool to pass along to others in the effort to shift the pendulum from division to unity against the real merchants of chaos. And on a more direct political note, pick up your copy of my latest Donald Trump book, “What One Man Can Do”, 10% of all book sales go to the Trump campaign. Learn more.

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