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I Don’t Do Cover-Ups


The Deep State and the Democrats are in complete panic mode as Pelosi pulls a trigger and ignites a bomb in a war of words stating that the President is covering up the Russia probe. In addition to that, they have invoked the “I” word as President Trump indicated, that being, impeachment. Here’s my take on this and it’s short and sweet.

Team Trump is narrowing in on them and they know that their covers, firewalls and insurance policies have blown up in their faces. Trump has laid all the traps and they are being drawn into them. The stage is being set for the checkmate.

Hang in there fellow patriots, hang in there. There will be NO impeachment and Trump has nothing to cover up. The whole damn thing was a hoax. The Deep State, and the Dems are in full scale panic mode gasping for their last breath as the de-class is underway. They are all going down. Think it’s intense now? Watch what happens over the coming weeks and months. We are with you President Trump. The people are with you 100%.

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