Pathetic But In The End They Lose
Commentary and analysis by author, activist, John Michael Chambers
As a TRUE AMERICAN, I must say that I am furious, saddened and sickened by this embarrassing and pathetic attempt by the Democrats (DC Deep State Operatives), to delay, derail and prevent a most highly honorable and qualified man, Brett Kavannaugh to the Supreme Court. These hearings were an embarrassment and quite dangerous based upon setting the precedence of presumed guilt over assumption of innocence. There is so much to write about and so much to be said about this horrific turn of events but I will take a bit of a different angle and approach to this and summarize it by simply saying, Pathetic But In The End They Lose.
Con Job
President Trump is right. This was a well planned clandestine con job by the Democrats (DC Deep State Operatives) as well as Jeff Flake (who is not to be trusted). Michael Savage released some intel connecting the dots on Dr. Blasey Ford to the CIA. Savage discusses this on his radio broadcast which can be found on YouTube. Savage published the following: “Who is Dr. Ford? Well, besides being a “professor” at the off brand university, she also works at a major university down the street from Palo Alto. She just so happens to head up the cia undergraduate internship program at Stanford university. Christine Blasey’s brother, Ralph the third, used to work for the international law firm of Baker, Hostetler. The firm created fusion GPS, the company who wrote the Russian “dossier”. They later admitted it was only a collection of field interviews. Baker Hostetler is located in the same building where the CIA operates three companies called: red coats inc. Admiral security services and Datawatch they are operated by Ralph Blasey II He is the father of Christine and Ralph III. Christine and Ralph III’s grandfather was Nicholas Deak. Former CIA director William Casey acknowledged Deak’s decades of service to the CIA.” In my opinion, she was under the control and influence of some form of mind control and there are a variety of ways this can and be done. More data and links about the Deep State’s involvement in this can be viewed here. Please have a look.
F-F-F-F-F-F- Flake
Trump hater. Not up for re-election. The man cannot be trusted. We succeeded but they succeeded. Now there will be further delay with an FBI investigation. God only knows what new outrageous events will begin to be presented.This will not simply be about a standard FBI inquiry into Ford’s allegations and Kavannaugh’s actions. You wait and see. And based upon this investigation, there is now the chance for Flake to flip his vote. And the FBI? Who the hell trusts this FBI these days! This can get messy folks.
Trump’s Plan B
The attacks,rigging of elections, fake news, treasonous acts, felonies, fraud, crimes, murders and the possible deliberate collapsing of the stock market and so on will continue. They will not stop unless the control is taken away from them. This can and will be accomplished. This is discussed here by viewing this link particularly steps six and seven of which we are now embarking upon. The Deep State, its operatives and subjects which are used at many levels, are exposed, desperate and on the run. They have for the first time with President Trump and the forces behind Trump, a formidable challenge and they are about to lose it all. But I am afraid we will end up resorting to Plan B, Martial law and military tribunals as set forth by President Trump via two executive orders. There are archived articles you can find here on this website to become more familiar with Martial Law. This time spent may be wise. Read about this here. Listen to an excellent analysis by Mike Adams on video here.
What we have witnessed in the past few weeks is pathetic but in the end they lose. Vote RED. Get others to do the same. Support and pray for our President. Stay the course. Things will get worse before they get better.
Nominated for the 24th Annual Colorado Independent
Publishers Association EVVY Awards
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