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Restoring America Trump Presidency Part Five

This post titled Restoring America Trump Presidency Part Five, features excerpts from Michael Savage’s book titled “Government Zero” as part of his 40 actions to save America. Real people-real solutions. I am gathering information from various sources and segments from “We The People” in an attempt to help support the Presidency of Donald J. Trump and to perhaps inspire other like-minded ideas and information to disseminate on a broad basis. The next three months may very well be the most important three months in the history of our nation.

Restoring America Trump Presidency Part Five

In terms of specific actions, I could probably think of thousands that would spring from a nationalist movement to save this country. I’ve proposed many over the years. Some were time sensitive; some can still be accomplished. I have other ideas that are brand new. Here are the top forty that come to my mind as most urgent in 2015– 2016. Notice that not all of these have to do with the federal government. Some should be accomplished at the state or local levels. Some should be accomplished outside of any governments at all. There is much we can do in the private sector with the choices we make and the power we have over those who want to influence those choices. Steps 1&2 can be found here.

40 Steps To Save America

3. Deport all illegal aliens in American prisons. That would be up to one-third of the prison population, which exceeds two million prisoners. This is not an expense American taxpayers should be bearing, especially in a down economy.

4. Repeal the “Anchor Babies” law. Right now, an illegal alien who crosses our border and gives birth has automatically bestowed citizenship on her offspring. This gives an incentive for illegal immigration, not to mention endangering the mother and baby. 5. Make English the official language of the United States. Mandate English for all legal and political transactions, including ballots. If you can’t read English, you can’t vote, period. Require all government employees to be able to speak, read, and write English fluently.

5. Make English the official language of the United States. Mandate English for all legal and political transactions, including ballots. If you can’t read English, you can’t vote, period. Require all government employees to be able to speak, read, and write English fluently. 6. Require government-issued identification to vote. This seems like a no-brainer. It doesn’t guarantee the voter is a citizen, but it at least confirms he or she is alive. Dead voters overwhelmingly vote progressive.

The Most Important Book of 2016

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Must Read

Subscribe here and I will send you a complimentary copy of my 2015 bookMisconceptions and Course Corrections – A Collection of Critical Essays for Our Times”. This eye opening book may be a great tool to pass along to others in the effort to shift the pendulum from division to unity against the real merchants of chaos. For more information on this book click here.


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