Rudy Giuliani has been activated. Timing is everything. The reason the Deep State, the Democrats and the Fake News are going after Rudy is because Rudy has all the goods on Biden, Burisma and the Ukraine. Instead of investigating Biden, they have diverted the narrative to investigate Rudy. This too, like all else, will backfire. There are a lot of bodies buried over there both figuratively and literally and Rudy has dug this up from the dirt. Rudy Giuliani has announced that he will be unleashing the goods now via the media and his podcast. Watch Rudy here on FOX NEWS Giuliani: I can’t sit by and watch my country be sold out by Joe Biden
And so, as the impeachment hoax draws to a close and another victory for President Trump and the patriots, I hope you can see as I have stated all along through this journey how we are winning. And winning big league at that! From this day forward, the level of exposure of the Deep State and their corrupt, controlled operatives, will be increasing significantly as are the people on various different levels in terms of this great awakening. Attacks and false flags are the norm and will remain so for some time. But exposure is where we are. Please re-visit steps six, seven and eight on the scale of discovery and action I wrote about on June 13, 2018. That forecast has arrived. So calm down and enjoy the ride. It will be a wild one!

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This battle will rage on for the rest of our lives. Pray for our President and his family. No Trump-no hope. What we do right here, right now is for posterity. So when your children and grandchildren ask you “What were you doing when the global governance was being thrust down the throat of America and the world, what will your answer be? Freedom, it’s up to U.S.
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