To be or not to be indicted? That is the question. The final batch of Clinton E-mails has just been released. Here is the link. There are presently at least three current scandals surrounding the Democrat front runner Hillary Clinton. There’s the Clinton Foundation and alleged misappropriation of funds. There is the horrific Benghazi nightmare that needs to be addressed and of course the e-mail scandal that according to Mayor Rudy Giuliani (former prosecutor), Hillary may have a hard time avoiding indictment. Listen here to a very brief legal and constitutional analysis of this situation from Judge Andrew Napolitano (forward 36 seconds into video).
So to be or not to be indicted? That is the question. And it seems to me that this e-mail scandal could implicate more people than just Hillary. Also there is speculation that Hillary has some information she could reveal that could be very problematic for President Obama. So we have here a very slippery slope filled with political snakes and skeletons in the closet. Much depends upon the FBI and the DOJ to follow the law and do what is right. Good luck with that. Let’s see how this very important issues plays out. I would be very surprised if she were indicted and charged but one never knows and one can hope for the best and plan for the worst, right? Can Hillary be trusted? Jailhouse or White House?
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