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You Have Little Faith – Trust The Plan

Based on what I see on social media as well as the many people who have reached out to me, I must say that I am somewhat surprised that there seems to be a number of people who believe that President Trump has caved on both the wall negotiations and the most recent opening of the government based on the prepared speech given by the President. I see it differently. You have little faith. Change the channel and trust the plan.

Bait #1

From the executive branch comes the olive branch. Democrats shoot themselves in the foot.

While others are off vacationing in Hawaii and Puerto Rico refusing to meet and negotiate with the President, Trump positioned as not only willing to negotiate, but offering the Democrats much of what they have wanted all along such as:

  1. Three years of legislative relief for some 700,000 recipients of the Obama-era initiative known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, which protects some immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children from deportation. The Trump administration had moved to end DACA, but the decision was challenged in court and is currently held up in legal proceedings. Trump’s proposal would give an extension of legal status

  2. A three-year extension of Temporary Protected Status for some 300,000 facing expiration

  3. A mechanism to allow Central American minors to apply for asylum in their home countries

  4. And more…

So what do the Democrats with Pelosi and Schumer at the helm do? They refuse to budge. From the executive branch comes the olive branch. Democrats shoot themselves in the foot. Trump new all along that the Pelosi and Schumer would not concede and accept his offer.

Bait #2

From the executive branch comes the olive branch. Democrats, I believe, will once again shoot themselves in the foot.

President Trump then ends the longest government shutdown on record and reopens the government with promises to get all back pay to the 800,000+ furloughed federal employees. In doing so, he gains favor from some of them as an added benefit.

Trump stated in his recent speech, that we have no choice but to build a wall as part of other measures, to protect our border. The President stated the re-opening will be for just three weeks with a deadline for Congress of February 15, 2019. If a deal is not agreed upon, President Trump stated clearly that he will exercise the powers afforded to the President, both legally and constitutionally, to see that the border wall is in fact built. This leaves two possible choices come February 15, 2019; declaring another government shutdown or the declaration of a national state of emergency which will allow the President to procure the funds without approval from congress, and begin building the wall. In this event, we can rest assured this will be fought out in the courts as well.

So with Bait 1 & 2 above, we can see that Trump holds all the cards and Pelosi, Schumer and Congress must now negotiate a deal that serves the American people. The shutdown is over (for three weeks), the Federal employees will be paid (and back pay) and the President has forced loud mouth Pelosi and Schumer to negotiate. If a deal is not met, the President will resort to the powers afforded to him. Oh yeah and by the way, since the shutdown is over (for 21 days), the State of the Union address can take place. Trumped!


I wrote about the real reason for the border backlash and it is all politically motivated as outlined in this recent article, “Illegal Immigration and the Cost of Stupidity“.  So we can clearly see, this is not about the three M’s.

* Morals

* Money

* Manufactured

Walls are moral when you look at the success rate of walls throughout the world, walls are preventing crimes, preventing murder and rape, child trafficking, terrorism, drugs, economic hardship and so on. Has nothing to do with money. This requires no further comment. Read the article in the above link to prove my point. And of course any clear thinking honest individual knows the crisis is not manufactured. It has been a crisis for decades which is why Clinton, Bush and Obama are all on the record talking about a border crisis. Only difference is they did nothing but make it worse.

Pelosi and the Italian Mamma

Pelosi and Schumer along with the Democrats are now cornered. Trump has positioned himself as a patient, tolerant leader, willing to bring both parties together to negotiate as clearly seen in Bait #1 above. Then Pelosi (recently stuck on the bus due to her grounded flight by the President) :), has been Trumped once again. They will own the mess. The wall will be built. Carry on “peeps”. Next battle…

It reminds me of my Mother. You know in the old days, back in N.Y. where the Italian Mamma is cooking sauce on a Sunday morning. She takes the spaghetti from the boiling pot and throws it up against the cabinet to see if it sticks. If it sticks, it is cooked and ready to be served. Well, since June of 2016 we have seen the left and deep state throw a lot of spaghetti around, only thing is… nothing sticks! And It is they who shall be served.

Based on what I see on social media as well as the many people who have reached out to me, I must say that I am somewhat surprised that there seems to be a number of people who believe that President Trump has caved on both the wall negotiations and the most recent opening of the government based on the prepared speech given by the President. I see it differently. You have little faith – trust the plan. Change the Channel.

The President’s final words in the recent speech were, “we will have great security”. Take him on his word. And so we will. And in my opinion it will end up with the declaration of a National State of Emergency. We shall see. Tic-toc…

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