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De-legitimizing Trump

Under a program called CREW in the once confidential and private “Media Matters for America” 49 page document, states in part the following, “Trump will be afflicted by a steady flow of damaging information, new revelations, and an inability to avoid conflicts issues. The Trump administration will be forced to defend illegal conduct in court. Powerful industries and interest groups will see their power begin to wane. Dark money will be a political liability in key states”. De-legitimizing Trump is becoming popular among those who do not support Trump and this de- legitimization is widespread but perhaps Trump will rise above and prevail over time. The battle has begun.

De-legitimizing Trump

This scathing report also covers a program called Shareblue and lays out just how they intend to de-legitimize Trump via social media. The document states in part “Shareblue will take back social media for the Democrats. We will delegitimize Trump’s presidency by emboldening the opposition and empowering the majority of Americans who oppose him. Shareblue will be the dynamic nulceus of a multi-platform media company that informs, engages and arms Americans to fight. Here’s what success looks like: 1.Shareblue will become the de-facto news outlet for opposition leaders and the grassroots. 2.Trump allies will be forced to step down or change course due to news published by Shareblue. 3. Under pressure from Shareblue, Democrats will take more aggressive positions against Trump. 4. Shareblue will achieve financial sustainability while diversifying content offerings and platforms. 5. Top editorial writing talent will leave competitors to join Shareblue.” The document goes on to say “Right now our institutions are among the critical few that stand between the America we love and the abyss. We must protect and defend our Democratic values. We will not back down. We will only move forward.”

So what to do about all this?

For starters share this post to raise awareness of what the enemies of freedom and America are doing. Discredit them for their agenda is on the wrong side of history. Stay the course and keep this 63 million deplorable people movement solidly intact and expand our movement to resurrect America. We stay the course and by the Grace of God Trump stays alive, we will crush them in the end. But make no mistake about it, the battle has just begun and the stakes are high. Again, be prepared for the “American Spring” to unfold on the streets across America in May 2017.

Trump and the Resurrection of America

The following is a quote from my new book titled “Trump and the Resurrection of America”. We must identify, expose and eradicate the enemy. Please share this post on your social media accounts.

“Making America Great Again will not happen quickly nor easily. Some of the benefits may be realized somewhat early on, but most of the results of Trump’s agenda (providing he is able to accomplish this) may take five, ten, twenty years or more to become fully realized. These efforts are more for posterity and will not come without challenges. We can expect President Trump to be infiltrated and given deliberate faulty intelligence. We know for certain the media and the shadow government will continue to chip away at Trump. If we thought this was a wild ride during the primaries and the general election, we haven’t seen anything yet! Trust me on this. They, too, will double down.

And so by the grace of God, and the power of the people, Donald J. Trump becomes our leader. The leader of the free world. This represents the most powerful driving force to not only resurrect America but to set humanity on a much-needed course correction as President Trump leads America’s second revolution. Donald Trump represents true hope for so many in America and around the world. But the battle has just begun, and this will be a seriously dangerous phase that we are entering. How grateful I am that we have Trump in office, and so it is time for us to unite. We must unite with one heart and one mind. We must identify, expose and eradicate the enemy. Please share this post on your social media accounts.”

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