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Surviving Thriving

Surviving Thriving

Surviving Thriving. Free book. Civilization as we know it is about to change. This is your wake-up call! A shift in awareness and action for a better life and a better world.

We live in an age where deception and betrayal are the standard modus operandi. A raised understanding is needed to the realization that a major paradigm shift is under way and that we have been living in a web of deceitful lies designed to entrap us and move us away from truth as we march blindly like useless idiots down the road to serfdom. We are entering the next stage of what may be a prolonged period of time in human history that will make the dark ages look like a picnic in the park. Many will turn a blind eye and deaf ear. What can you do? What will you do for yourself, for posterity? Challenging and controversial; this is your wake-up call!

What Others Are Saying

“I have known John for about ten years both professionally and personally. We have jointly written a book together, worked on numerous other projects and spoke around the country at conferences and on radio shows promoting financial, economic, and religious freedom. John has the tenacity of a bull dog with a heart to help people that’s larger than life.”-Kirk Elliott, PhD

“I just finished reading his book and I can say this book is disruptive, transformational and inspiring. It challenges even the most awakened reader.”

“I have known John Chambers since our early days together at the Save America Foundation. John is one of the most relentless, tireless and ruthlessly honest people that I have ever known. He is funny, engaging, street-smart and knows how to think outside the box. He is a dedicated patriot and a visionary. His gifts are numerous, but he remains a humble man of dedicated purpose. Best of all, John knows how to get things done. He doesn’t just sit back and complain or take pot shots at people who are fighting the good fight. He pitches in and helps where he can. I am honored to have known John and count him as a dear friend.” – Richard Davis, M.D.

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