This is the follow up to the previous post “The Things Your Doctor Won’t Tell You (Part III)” as part of an ongoing series of blog posts. I encourage you to read each blog on this topic.
My good friend and fellow activist for humanity, Richard Davis, MD contributed a chapter in my new book titled “Misconceptions and Course Corrections – A Collection of Critical Essays for Our Times”. This subject matter of maintaining our health is a high priority for each of us therefore I will post a series of blogs to cover this in further detail. This will be some very challenging reading for many of us as what you will discover will make you sick! This now from Dr Richard Davis.
When you distill it all down, there are really only two philosophical approaches to the study and practice of medicine. First, there is allopathic or ‘experimental’ medicine, and the other is ‘empirical’ or ‘observational’ medicine. Experimental medicine is what is commonly practiced today under the banner of “Modern Medicine.” This is the belief system that involves taking a premise, testing the premise in Petri dishes, then on a few animals, then on a few people, then rolling it out into the population as a whole and see what happens. It’s sort of an educated roll of the dice approach, and is used by the Pharma industry to advance new drugs. Doctors are taught this approach in medical school and told this is the highest form of science. I must vehemently disagree. The problem with this approach is that it almost always ends up never moving beyond treating symptoms, and never invests the funds necessary to get to the root cause of the pathology itself. This model would simply require more time, money, and training than most researchers have available.
Usually, allopathic doctors watch for signs and symptoms of drug side effects so they can prescribe more drugs to counteract the side effects, thus giving you more side effects and creating a perpetual revolving door of needing to see your doctor(s) regularly to monitor your condition. This is what is referred to as “disease management.” It has nothing to do whatsoever with curing patients and making them truly better; it’s only real objective is alleviating their symptoms. This model feeds the Medical Establishment with an almost endless supply of patients returning week after week, month after month, trying to get better. It is great for the financial interests of the “System.” However, it can be devastating for the patient’s health, wealth, and happiness.
But as many of you may already suspect, the hard truth is that the “System” doesn’t really care about what’s good for the patient. It only cares about what’s good for the “System.” And unfortunately, that boils down to the usual Devil’s triad – power, control, and money.
You can read the chapter in its entirety by ordering your copy of the book “Misconceptions and Course Corrections – A Collection of Critical Essays for Our Times”.