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The Things Your Doctor Wont Tell You – Part I

The Things Your Doctor Wont Tell You Part I

The Things Your Doctor Wont Tell You – Part I

The Things Your Doctor Won’t Tell You (Part I). My good friend and fellow activist for humanity, Richard Davis, MD contributed a chapter in my new book titled “Misconceptions and Course Corrections – A Collection of Critical Essays for Our Times”. This subject matter of maintaining our health is a high priority for each of us therefore I will post a series of blogs to cover this in further detail. This will be some very challenging reading for many of us as what you will discover will make you sick!

Many of us have come to realize that the medical/pharmaceutical industry is not about creating cures but rather about creating customers (with plenty of repeat business I might add). I personally believe there is a time and place for medicine and surgical procedures etc. and I also believe we have very good detection/diagnostics technology, which can be most helpful. Many of the advances in science, medicine and technology are most beneficial. But let’s get to the crux of the matter as we address the things your doctor won’t tell you. The following is an excerpt written by Dr. Richard Davis, from my book “Misconceptions and Course Corrections”. This now from Dr. Davis…

“I began to intensely research what is commonly called “Alternative or Complementary Medicine.” What I learned as a result has shaken me to my core. Knowledge can be a two-sided coin. For me, it has been both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, it has opened my eyes wide to a wonderful realm of possibilities for healing and wellness that had previously been unknown to me. None of this information was taught in Medical School.”

“The curse came as I looked deeper, trying to understand why I was never exposed to this. As I plunged deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole, I began to progressively doubt the validity of much of my medical school education; I started to increasingly recognize that a lot of what I had been taught to believe was true, was in fact just political dogma, not medical science at all. This is especially true when it comes to the understanding and management of chronic disease.”

“The problem for me really intensified when I started looking for honest answers to a series of pesky questions like why are we taught to treat the symptoms and not the causes of chronic illness? Why are so many people getting so sick? Why are the rates of Cancer, Autism, Alzheimer’s, and so many other diseases exploding? Why, despite hundreds of billions of dollars in research, has there been so little progress? Why are so many people dying from prescription drugs? Why aren’t things getting better and what can be done to keep things from continuing to get worse? Is there a better way?”

These are important questions that we must delve into as each and every one of us has been affected directly by chronic disease or other health related issues or we know of someone who has been affected by chronic diseases and in many cases leading to death. I will post a series of blogs to cover this in further detail. This will be some very challenging reading for many of us as what you will discover will make you sick! Meanwhile you can read the chapter in its entirety by ordering your copy of the book “Misconceptions and Course Corrections – A Collection of Critical Essays for Our Times”.

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