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War On Cash At A Glance

War On Cash At A Glance

War on cash? Why? The war on cash is a war against privacy and for people control. The global war on cash is escalating rapidly. Moving to a cashless society (globally) will not happen overnight but is in fact being implemented right now across the globe. There are all sorts of restrictions for cash transactions taking place for “security measures” of course as an effort to thwart criminals, terrorists, drug runners, money launderers and tax evaders and so on. Controlling cash and moving towards a cashless society is part of the new world we are rapidly emerging into by the ruling elite and the new world agenda.

At A Glance

United States In the United States there are so many controls, steps and laws in place I will dedicate another blog post just to the U.S.

Sweden Last year Stockholm’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology released a report stating that the country is on track to completely eliminating cash transactions in the foreseeable future. According to the McAlvany Intelligence Advisor May 2015 issue, in Swedish cities, cash is no longer acceptable on public buses; tickets must be purchased in advance or via a cell phone text message. Many small businesses refuse cash, and some bank facilities have completely stopped handling cash. Indeed, in some Swedish towns it is no longer possible to use cash in a bank at all.

Italy Besides a recent run on the banks, back in 2012, Italy lowered the legal maximum on cash transactions from €2,500 to €1,000.

Canada Canada, presently losing ground against the U.S. dollar is also heading towards a cashless system in a series of ongoing efforts.

Norway The largest bank in Norway demands a ban on cash. Bank executive Trod Bentestuen said “There are so many dangers and disadvantages associated with cash, we have concluded that it should be phased out.”

Denmark The Danish government is en-route to a 0% cash society by 2030.

This from the McAlvany Intelligence Advisor May 2015 issue: Advocates of a cashless society say that it would provide greater security (i.e., less robberies) for the public (i.e., “it’s for your protection,” as the TSA continually reminds us). Anti-cash advocates point to another alleged advantage of electronic transactions: they leave a digital trail that can be readily followed by the state. So, governments can track all of their citizens’ financial transactions – a capability dictators like Hitler would have liked to have. As one anti-cash “expert” on underground economies instructs us, “If people use more cards, they are less involved in shadowy economy activities” – in other words, secreting their hard-earned income in places where it cannot be plundered by the state.

The whole point of a cashless economy is to make even the most intimate economic affairs of private citizens transparent to the state and its fiscal and monetary authorities, who themselves hate and fear transparency as night owls do sunlight. And then there are the benefits that accrue to the government-privileged banking system from the demise of cash. One Swedish small businessman noted the connection. While he gets charged five kronor (80¢) for every credit-card transaction, he is prevented by law from passing this on to his customers. In his words, “For them (the banks), this is a very good way to earn a lot of money, that’s what it’s all about. They make huge profits.” (End of MIA Report)

Step by step as part of the new world agenda laid out in the United Nations Agenda 2030 (and many other programs by other organized bodies), we can see a move towards a cashless society. Debit and credit cards, electronic funds transfers/payments, on-line banking, all very much common practice today. Is it possible that all will be controlled via national ID cards? Then perhaps a global ID card eventually ending with the “chip at birth injection”? All this will be explored in future blog posts.

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